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Would you like to know what your customers think? The customer experience (CX) is an increasingly important part of the business, and popularity continues to grow. As the competitive technological advantage has levelled off, the customer experience has quickly become the only lasting competitive advantage for companies.

I train and assist boards, management teams, sales, marketing and other personnel in measuring, utilizing and developing the customer experience and in management. I’ll tell you how to easily gather feedback, increase customer loyalty, and make more sales. I like to talk about the customer experience at events as well. Behind me is always the latest knowledge in the industry and Feedbackly’s iron toolkit as well as international awards.



Leadership and communication are no longer based on a rigid organizational position or command. Today’s strong leaders are charismatic and powerful performers. However, the fear of public speaking affects everyone. Studies show that people are more afraid of public speaking than illness, flying and terrorism.

It is rarely a question of who is technically presenting the best performance in the world in front of an audience. I want to draw attention to the totality of communication and small things in the everyday interaction that we can fix right away. Whether it’s a presentation by a management team or talking to hundreds of people, I can help with the performance. Immediately and practically. Ask more!


Whether you are a recent economist, an engineer with a long career, or even a class teacher, each of us needs the lessons of personal branding if we want to succeed in an ever-changing professional environment. Personal branding is many times seen as some kind of a hoax, cheating of bamboozle but today it is the most important tool for you to land a job or to start a company. Now, these skills are not only available to professionals but to just about everyone.

In the training, I advise groups and individuals with the practical construction of their personal brands. You get clear tools for building your brand and a clear road map of how everything is put into practice. I also tell in practice how I built my brand.

One aspect of Personal Branding is applying for a job, which I have built its own curriculum. In today’s job market, personal brand matters more than anything else!


Have you wondered what makes a successful entrepreneur? Or how does entrepreneurial thinking build better customer experiences? Each of us can be an “internal entrepreneur”, and that is exactly what is needed in the work plan of the future. Each of us should be more entrepreneurial and strive for self-reliance. Working life is running fast - the question is, will you keep up with this change?

I inspire the audience in my fun way with different entrepreneurial themes, eggs and successes.

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1490 € / keynote (+ VAT)

Keynote speakers ignite the audience and get them excited about the topic. The audience becomes more receptive, and the message gets across better. There is a keynote on each of the above topics! If you are looking for a Keynote speaker, ask for more!


1490 € / training / half-day (+ VAT)

The training sessions are designed primarily in a two-hour mold to make them as effective and interactive as possible. However, if you are looking for another dimension or mold, ask for more!


149 € / hour (+ VAT)

If you have any questions or would like to file the contents of the training/keynotes/services, please feel free to contact us.

Travel costs are added to all prices as recommended by the current tax administration unless otherwise agreed.

If you are looking for books and online courses, please visit my boutique!